Several people have been poking me wondering what has happened to this blog. If you don’t care, avert your eyes now 😉
I actually was posting through May of 2010 when I went to the Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival. A good, sweaty time was had by all, but then I needed to crash for a while. Silly illnesses! Unfortunately, when I came up for air, this website’s database had taken a nosedive. It took my poor husband a while to figure out how to restore it but alas, our backup system wasn’t working and I lost everything back to January.
Then, just as all seemed right with the world, I found out on fairly short notice that I was moving to Australia in September! Oh my! So much headless chickenage abounded, trying to get ready. This trek I am just here for a few months — we got ourselves an apartment and t (the husband) is settled into his new job and loves it. I’m headed back to the US soon to pack up our things and have them shipped, and also to wait out the months of pre-quarantine needed to bring our kitty over. So once again t and I will be living in separate continents, but this time it’s finite 🙂 Come April or May I will relocate permanently.
So from a car accident totaling the vehicle in January to moving abroad again by December, 2010 was a crazy year! There was much crafting, although there wasn’t much taking of photos. But I have a few things to show you, so this blog can live again!
Obligatory Australia photo:

And before anyone says it, it’s not “so exciting!!” to be moving to Australia. I am not all that keen on the idea, actually, but t’s job is worth it and we’re desperate to live on the same continent again. But I’m not particularly excited by Sydney, as I don’t surf and am not one of the beautiful people who line the beaches 😛 Take away the beaches and it’s just like moving to Chicago…only I am so over Chicago after my parents lived near there for 13 years 🙁