Blog Reboot: Introducing The Sick Chick Crafts 2.0

It’s been a wild year since I stopped regularly posting.  My father got worse and then better, but is still on the long road to recovery. My health has been on a roller coaster, my husband has been laid off and we’re currently living with our respective parents in the US & Australia — not because anything is wrong with our marriage but to spend time with our ill fathers. (& also because it is taking soooo freaking long to get a green card for him to join me in the US!! Grr!) Hopefully we’ll be reunited — with a green card in hand — by the end of the year.

Life changed, and this blog is going to change with it.  I’ve been very inspired by Diane Gilleland’s ebook about making crafty blogs. I’m not sure that I can follow her mantra (“It’s [your blog] not about you. It’s about them.”) all of the time since I love to babble, but I shall try to keep that limited to Twitter as much as I can.

My new direction with this blog is to be more open and giving rather than self-referential.  More tutorials rather than just pictures.  More interviews with others than rambling about myself.  And most definitely, more about the intersection of craft and illness, especially how crafts can help heal both the crafter and the recipient. Basically, I want to make this blog more about crafting than the crafter.  That’s the plan, anyway. Please give me a nudge if I seem to be straying away from this.

I’ll probably not be able to write deep, insightful posts all that frequently. My health is poor at the moment and I don’t know what specifically is wrong so I don’t know how to fix it.  So please bear with me if I’m not a regular once a week like clockwork kind of writer. I hope that what does come out will be worth the wait.  In between I’ll probably post a lot of snippets of things I have seen, podcasts I have heard, projects I have planned and stuff I covet.

I want to hear from you, my dear readers, as to what YOU want me to write about.  Is there something you want to know about my crafty life?  About being a sick chick who crafts? Just ask and I will do my best to answer.

So from now, I declare this blog to be re-opened.  There’s still a bit of technical dust as I redo widgets and whatnot and add pages and links and the like, but the important thing is that my mind is ready to write again and now I have a place for it.

Old friends, welcome back!  New friends, welcome aboard! Let the journey begin!

2 thoughts on “Blog Reboot: Introducing The Sick Chick Crafts 2.0”

  1. I followed ya! Hovering around the ones I care about. Not allways loud and verbal, but……just hanging around. I appreciate your words. They help, cause I can rellate and they mean something to me.


  2. I’d like to know how you are able to handle an international move while dealing with chronic illness. That sounds more than daunting. It would be interesting to hear how you handle the things other people can do without a moment’s thought. That’s the stuff that bothers me most about my illness: the stuff that SHOULD be easy, and IS easy for everyone else.

    Also, have you had to change the types of crafting projects you take on because you don’t feel well? Do you ever feel disappointed because your body won’t cooperate with you desire to craft? Do you ever think about giving up a particular craft for that reason?

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