FiberTudes 31 day challenge

Today is the last day of August and thus the official end of the FiberTudes 31 Day Fiber Challenge. Β The point was to do something fiber-related (and of course that is yarn/thread/paper not edible fiber!) for 20 minutes a day every day in August. Β I had to plead The Sick Chick Exemption* a few days so I’ve got three days left to do, but for the record, what I did was:

(*The Sick Chick Exemption: For any day of a challenge where you are too ill to sit upright for more than three hours, you can skip that day — as if it didn’t exist, since for you it didn’t! — and add the day to the end of the designated time. Please feel free to borrow this concept as needed and quote me as giving you permission πŸ˜‰ )

  1. design for sekrit embroidered & felted laptop case
  2. Setting up studio & yarn stash
  3. crochet starting dishcloth
  4. design costume for the 29th (never made it, alas, maybe for Halloween!)
  5. yarn shopping & general Hobby Lobby raiding πŸ™‚
  6. design conventioneers neck pouch thingy (sewing design)
  7. quilt/fabric shopping esp for SCA dresses
  8. research corn yarn, patterns, etc
  9. pick out fabrics & style for bulletin board
  10. organizing bead stash
  11. sketched bracelet designs for shrink plastic awareness styles
  12. design bracelet, watch crochet videos & more crocheting on dishcloth
  13. loom knit on afghan
  14. more crocheting on dishcloth, boy I am slow (hindered by kitten, as usual!)
  15. The Sick Chick Exemption
  16. The Sick Chick Exemption
  17. Finish washcloth, yaaay! May add trim to it later though
  18. play with beads, sketch more bracelet designs
  19. loom knit on afghan
  20. art supply shopping & watch band design
  21. start crochet ATC
  22. finish crochet ATC
  23. prep (gesso) pages for art journal
  24. practice single crochet, fail miserably, make Zentangle ATC instead
  25. more knitting on afghan (I am sick of this one now!!)
  26. The Sick Chick Exemption
  27. Start loom knitting hat
  28. Finish knitting hat and headband (6+ hrs)
  29. Loom knit armwarmers, spool knit collar and earrings (6+ hrs)
  30. watch quilting videos, drool muchly, learn muchly
  31. read up on how thread is made (research for upcoming project)

So as you can see, I still have three days to go to complete that challenge, but I do have some FO’s to show off and some nearly completed items to finish, so there may be *gasp* PICTURES on this blog in the near future. Β (Unless you wanna see pictures of my now 10 month old kitten, in which case I can oblige almost immediately πŸ˜‰ ) Quite frankly, I am amazed at how much I got done this month, as it was fairly challenging, health-wise.

I’ll give you the final tallies after I finish my last three days! πŸ™‚

But to the ladies of FiberTudes, I salute you and thank you for this challenge and can’t wait for the lace-along to start sometime in September! πŸ™‚

4 thoughts on “FiberTudes 31 day challenge”

    1. Thank you! I still have three days to catch up on but since I think I’m starting another challenge tomorrow I may double-count πŸ˜‰

  1. Wow thanks for joining my September Challenge. I don’t think I would be able to do back to back challenges! Can’t wait to see what everyone does!

    1. I’m not very good at posting my work but we’ll see how I do πŸ™‚ I’m just trying to get in the habit of doing something every day — I hope to tackle NaNoWriMo for the first time this year so I need some daily discipline!!

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