Inspiration Point

Part One of Blogs I Love:

Saying that you admire the Yarn Harlot is like saying that Macs are the prettiest computers: pretty much everyone will say the same, even if they might not want to admit it. Indeed, I stayed away from her blog from a while because I thought it was *too* trendy. But you have to admire Stephanie Pearl-McGee as a philosopher and quintessential blogger. She writes not only about knitting (which she does very well), but about life in general with three teenagers and too many things to knit before Christmas! This is a general blog about the crafting life and I think a lot of people also read to see how she has managed to turn her craft writing into a full time business.

What blows my mind is the TECHKnitting blog. This blog goes deep into the knitty-gritty of knitting problems, exposing all of the little tips and tricks that make a knitted piece look better and/or more professional. I don’t know much about needle knitting, but I know enough to understand just how entirely over my head this blog is and yet I read it because I’m sure it will be very useful someday. So much about the physics of knitting doesn’t change whether you loom or use needles. Plus I am astounded at how thorough and well-written the posts are, and illustrated too! TECHKnitter inspires me to keep learning!

Finally for today, someone who inspires me on a more personal level. Lene Andersen of The Seated View is a long time knitter *and* lifetime survivor of chronic pain and chronic illness. She’s the sort of person who I hope to be if I ever grow up 🙂 She’s warm and funny while also being introspective and, like her friend the Yarn Harlot, very insightful into issues of daily life. I can’t say what it is about her blog that pushes me the most, it is probably just knowing that she deals with a lot of the same things I deal with and still manages to create such wonderful stuff (both in terms of craft and writing and her photography).

I suspect that writing about all of the blogs that I really enjoy will take weeks, and I feel that I am being a little bit skimpy on the descriptions of these, but my hands are hurting a lot today so I can’t really manage any more at this time.

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