Some more photos just so I can catch up on the past week. (I still have several months backlog of photos and events to blog about, but I am at least trying to stay on top of things as they are happen now!)
This week I attempted to crochet:
I didn’t get very far, I’m still having difficulty with the second row issue, but I got lots of tips last night (which I shall blog about in a minute) so I think I shall give it a go again this week with hopefully better luck. Buthey, at least I did get stitches made in a second row!
I also made a partial gauge swatch:
I was supposed to knit a 4 inch swatch but by three inches in I knew that I didn’t want to use this yarn for that project. I did get gauge though, so I am chuffed about that 😉 I will use this yarn on a felting project, probably a laptop cover. But it (Debbie Bliss Soho) is just too scratch for a hat and I don’t really want to have to line it.
Also in the photo is my new temporary wedding ring, I think I have blogged about it but not sure :/ (Brain is sooo not what it used to be, thanks fibro!) My real one doesn’t fit at the moment but as I *have* to lose weight because of the diabetes I didn’t want to get it resized so I got a temporary one from the same place as t’s wedding ring and he is getting one to match (but wearing it on a different finger, it’s been backordered for a while though 🙁 ). I couldn’t wear rings at all for about five years because my fingers swell a lot during the day but that is lessened now and also I don’t need to use two sticks quite as much, I can make do with one, so that makes it easier to wear a ring on my left hand. It’s just so nice to have *any* wedding ring 🙂 Plus I can wear this one on a different finger once I do lose the weight.