Which way did it go?

Wow, time escaped me without getting a post in edgewise. I guess that’s why I never told anyone about this blog before 😉  I have started several posts but none were finished.  I thought about just posting them and backdating to when I started, but I decided to be honest instead.  The posts will appear in the order I *finish* writing them.

What happened?  Well, the Knitting & Stitching show was fantastic, despite the absence of knitting looms.  So great that I spent all day there and it triggered a flare that left me stuck in bed for two weeks.  I revived the day before my brother in law arrived and frantically cleaned.  Then he was with us for over a week (which turned out to be a total disaster and I am very angry at him now), and the day after he left I flew to America to spend some time with my parents.  While here I’ve been in a different state every week and when not sightseeing I’ve been collapsing to rest.

This brings us to today 🙂  I’m in the middle of the only week of my trip where we are just staying home (my parents’ house) and I am frantically trying to get all of my holiday presents and cards made before we leave for D.C. on Sunday.  Not sure it is going to happen!  At least my knitting (I did finally get looms and I love them!!!) can come with me in the car.

As I spend the next few days crafting I am going to try to catch up on my posts, photograph the many things I have done in the past few weeks and set up a Flickr account to go with this blog.  Meanwhile I shall finish the posts I have already started, but please bear with me as the order may be somewhat random just based on what I feel like writing.

Off we go!